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We all remember the early 2000s for being a bit trashy - I blame the outfits - but it was also a period in which alleged evidence of an R&B singer’s sexual depravity sold like hotcakes from pirated DVD salesmen across the country. I didn’t find out until I was much older what exactly everybody had been talking about. In front of me, then an eight-year-old girl, he declared he had 'that R. I’ve long forgotten the face and name of the merchant who visited my grandfather’s convenience store every week, but I’ll never forget how he pushed the insidious video on all of his clientele. Kelly allegedly urinating on a 14-year-old minor, for which the singer was found not guilty of child pornography charges in 2008. In March 2002, the offerings that the neighborhood bootleg DVD man had included Blade, Resident Evil, Ice Age, and a copy of the video featuring R.

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